Awaken to the gift of your voice with better communication, clearer expression, and greater impact
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Every voice is a gift - a powerful instrument of expression and communication. A voice in resonance conveys more then just a pleasant sound but a clear mind, embodied sense of self, and and open and receptive heart. It is with this voice that we breach difficult topics, accurately convey internal passion, and communicate in relationships with greater impact, clarity, and ease. This is the voice that lays a foundation connection, de-escalates tension, and creates space for meaningful dialogue and powerful change.
Most of us experience challenges with our voice. Perhaps we find it difficult to speak up or like nobody listens to us. We may find ourselves quiet and nervous or speaking too much and being received differently then we intend. These situations are frustrating especially when in the impactful arenas of family, work, or relationships.
As we understand the wholistic nature of our voice we discover that it is a vehicle for self knowledge, personal growth and more fulfilling relationships. Dissonance, tension or difficulty around our voice, is no longer problematic but a gateway into greater resonance - anxiety, insecurity, a weak voice, or even a tight throat become an invitation for deep listening. We learn how to decipher and support the myriad of inner voices - thought, feeling, sensation, and self talk and bridge the gaps of our understanding. With each iterations we cultivate self esteem, clearer expression, and confidence.
When we recognize a wholistic voice we learn how to use expression in support of a more balanced physical and emotional system. The sound of our voice can be directed through our body to stimulate a clearer mind and more receptive heart. We may accentuate these benefits through song or prayer or use them subtly in our daily communication. Ultimately the more we recognize the facets of our voice the more empowered we become to develop and communicate this gift into the world.
3 Keys to Resonance
The ‘Three Keys to Resonance' are simple steps which consider the wholistic nature of voice and support integration and greater resonance. These 3 steps can be used to prepare for public speaking, performance, and difficult conversations or more subtly in the moment. The purpose of these steps is to create greater self awareness, internal integration, and ultimately an embodied and intelligent voice.
Key 1: Attend
To ATTEND is to become present and attentive to our Self - sensations, emotions, feelings, beliefs, and inner dialogue. As we attend we grow our awareness and shine this light on areas of dissonance. We begin to unravel the layers of our beliefs and perceptions and hear what our body, mind, spirit, is saying to us.
ATTEND to Facts: Clarify the indisputable facts of situation without bias or interpretation.
ATTEND to Emotions: Acknowledge all of the emotions present and separate them from any judgements of others. Give yourself permission to have each feeling and explore those feelings you don’t usually let yourself have.
ATTEND to Inner Dialogue: Notice what types of things you are saying in your head. By recognizing self talk you can, in time, begin to dismantle bias or harmful beliefs.
ATTEND to Sensation: Ultimately our emotions and corresponding stories initially occur with sensation. By bringing awareness to sensation itself we take ourself out of the narrative and into the experience of our body where we can settle and ground.
Through attention and deep listening we meet the fluctuations of our body, mind, heart, and spirit without filter, admitting and permitting even the most uncomfortable and dissonant objects as great and wise teachers.
Key 2: Attune
To ATTUNE is to begin the journey forward - integrate who we have been and intentionally step into who we are becoming. Here we befriend our self, our past, clarify our intuitive understanding, challenge and revise our dissonant perceptions, and engage a greater intelligence through self study, rational thinking, and intentional practice. We learn to listen deeply to our internal voices and appreciate what is actually being said.
ATTUNE to the Nervous system: In the presence of our sensation we can learn to self regulate and create greater support in our system. (Regulate Your Nervous System)
ATTUNE through Prayer: Prayer is simply an honest dialogue with that which is greater then our self; from a spiritual entity to nature itself. It provides us a place to be totally vulnerable and seek guidance to that which is ever loving. (The Power of Devotion)
ATTUNE through the Body: Presence to sensation teaches us where in our body our voice is coming from. We can use this to attune to those sensations/ emotions we want to convey when speaking. For example if I want to sound heart felt and connected it help to feel the voice resonating in the heart.
ATTUNE through Understanding: When self talk arises or strong emotions we attune by seeking to understand it. Often the narrative in our minds is a strategy to meet a need or desire. By clarifying the personal need we can both understand and support this need.
Key 3: Articulate
To ARTICULATE resonance is to fluently and coherently express our whole self. The ability to articulate ourself effectively relies on several factors; self awareness including presence to sensation, emotion, thoughts, and our inner world; self empowerment our ability to meet ourselves where we are and step into greater understanding and integration; and ultimately self expression the ability to synthesize our inner world, sensations, and understanding in a clear, creative, and connected way.
With time the ability to articulate ourself fluently grows. It is an imperfect and evolving practice. Through engaging in conversations (difficult and easy), expressing ourself in front of others, and sharing our voice in a multitude of ways we encounter implicit and explicit feedback which helps us to refine our ability to express effectively.
ARTICULATE with Intention: Clarify the reason why you want to talk or share something. When this motivation stems from an empowered and connected place we are more likely to express ourselves clearly.
ARTICULATE with Space: When in conversation create space for yourself and the other. Slow down your speaking, take a pause before responding, and give space for the person to say all they need to say.
ARTICULATE with Connection: Seek to communicate with a sense of connection: to yourself, to the other, and to the conversation itself (Meaningful Communication through Connection)
ARTICULATE freely: Take the time to articulate freely. If there a difficult topic, big conversation, or even presentation take time privately to express everything in your head and heart through journalling or creative expression. Here you can say it all - emotions, judgments, thoughts in any way it comes out. By taking this time to freely express we come to understand aspects we hadn’t acknowledged and clarify what matters, how we feel, and what it is we want to say.
ARTICULATE with Dynamic Sensitivity: Use the entire voice in a way that clearly expresses the emotions and tones you wish to convey. Feel it in your body and express from this embodied space.
The'3 Keys to Resonance’ can be used at any time and in every situation of communication and expression. For big conversations or presentations these steps help us clarify what we wish to share and how we choose to articulate it. During dialogue we employ the steps more subtly; become present to sensation, balance our nervous system, and speak slowly and from this grounded place. Even after a confusing interaction we can use these steps to reflect and gain insight for future interactions.
Want to create more resonance in your voice and communication? Click HERE to receive your FREE mini course!